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Isaac Natanael Aguilar

I am an interdisciplinary biodiversity scientist with a background applying field ecology surveys and molecular laboratory techniques to understand the spatial and temporal patterns of terrestrial biological diversity. My research program investigates the dynamic Geosphere-Biosphere drivers of the Earth System and their relationship to observed patterns and mechanistic processes of the origins, persistence, and extinctions of biological diversity.

Currently, I am practicing stable isotope techniques under the mentorship of the Tejada Lab to investigate the paleoecology of tropical biodiversity. The incredible diversity of tropical ecosystems provides a natural experiment to test the variation in physiological strategies for ecological adaptation. Insight to how energy is distributed in biological communities will elucidate the unique evolutionary histories that have characterized contemporary patterns of biodiversity.

We are living in a revolutionary high-throughput era of data including AI and Machine Learning, Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy, Genetics and Genomic Sequencing. In this exploratory moment in human history, I am committed to modeling ethical and collaborative practices with diverse perspectives to co-develop actionable science. My research objective is to leverage these technological advancements for place-based initiatives to conserve biological and cultural diversity.

I grew up in Southern California raised by a bi-national family that included formative experiences in Mesoamerican landscapes. Early exposure to the diversity of Latin American countries like Mexico developed my appreciation of place-based knowledge systems and cultural values of nature. I discovered an affinity for ecological field research and I capitalized on the transformative learning experiences from immersion in natural ecosystems during my undergrad at UC Berkeley.


University of California, Berkeley

B.S. Molecular Environmental Biology (Honors)

B.S. Ecosystem Management & Forestry

Minor in Geospatial Information Science and Technology