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Curriculum Vitae

PANGEA Project Coordinator and Lab Technician
Advised by Dr. Elsa Ordway (UC Los Angeles)

  • Hosted multi-lingual, interdisciplinary workshops in Yaoundé, DC, and Lima
  • Co-supervised an international network
  • Managed and communicated input from diverse perspectives

Natural Resource Field Technician
Supervised by Holway Lab
(UC San Diego)

  • Field surveys and infestation boundary delimitation in ArcGIS
  • Forklift operation and coordinating live aerial insecticide treatments

Undergraduate Research Fellow
Advised by Dr. Juan P. Esparza-Carlos (U. Guadalajara), Dr. Rachel Meyer (UCSC), and Dr. Arthur Middleton (UC Berkeley):

  • Wildlife monitoring with camera trap network
  • Water and soil samples for environmental DNA (eDNA)

Environmental and Spatial Data Center Techician
Advised by Dr. Amanda Young (UA Fairbanks)

  • Monitoring arctic fauna and floral phenology
  • Managing facility equipment and supporting visiting researchers

UC Berkeley Moorea Gump Station Student Researcher Advised by Dr. Stephanie Carlson, Dr. George Roderick, Dr. Seth Finnegan, and Dr. Brent Mishler

  • Field point-count surveys for tree canopy site-specific activity and habitat use
  • Habitat suitability modelling in partnership with University of French Polynesia remote sensing collaborator

UC Santa Cruz Doris Duke Conservation Scholar
Advised by Dr. Erika Zavaleta, Dr. Abe Borker, Dr. Partick Robinson, Costa Lab

  • Resight expeditions to photograph pinniped flipper tags for NOAA database
  • Investigated island age demographic shift from sub-adult rookery to breeding colony